# 4. Cult

Here we determine what cult the adventurer is an initiate of. An adventurer’s Rune affinities and cult shapes their personality, provides some cult skills and starting Passions, and defines the Rune and spirit magic the adventurer begins with. The quick adventurer generation method presented here breaks these into six groups: players should pick one or roll on the table below. It is highly recommended to pick one vs. leaving it to chance.

Also provided are starting Rune spells and spirit magic. Spells have been pre-selected for convenience. Pick one of the Favored Passions at 60%, or if adventurer already has it, add +10% to the existing total. Runes are provided for each cult for reference. Pick any two Runes and add +25% to each. The new values cannot exceed 100%. Remember that casting Rune magic uses the cult’s primary Rune(s), so it is wise to have at least one cult Rune as high as it can be. In the case of a paired Rune (Form Runes) they cannot exceed 99%, with the opposing Rune reduced by the same amount (to a minimum of 1%).

If the adventurer is from Lunar Tarsh, it is recommended to pick Seven Mothers, listed on the table but not rollable.

# Runes and Cults Table

D6 Runes Cult Cult Skills Passions Rune Spells Spirit Magic
1 Earth, Death Babeester Gor* 1H Axe +15%
2H Axe +20%
Intimidate +10%
Speak Other Language (Earthtongue) +10%
Devotion (Babeester Gor)
Loyalty (temple)
Hate (Oathbreakers)
Axe Trance (1)
Berserker (2)
Bladesharp 1
Demoralize (2)
Detect Enemies (1)
Heal 1
2 Fertility, Earth, Harmony Ernalda Dance +20%
Animal Lore +15% or Plant Lore +15%
Sing +10%
Speak Other Language (Earthtongue) +20%
Devotion (Ernalda)
Loyalty (temple)
Loyalty (high priestess)
Charisma (2)
Dismiss Earth Elemental (large)
Summon Earth Elemental (large)
Befuddle (2)
Ignite (1)****
Heal 1
Vigor (2)
3 Death, Truth Humakt 1H Sword (pick type) +20%
Other Weapon (pick type) +10%
Intimidate +15%
Loyalty (temple)
Devotion (Humakt)
Detect Truth (1)
Truesword (1)
Bladesharp 1
Detect Enemies (1)
Detect Undead (1)
Protection 2
4 Movement, Harmony Issaries Bargain +15%
Speak Other Language (Tradetalk) +20%
Sing +10%
Loyalty (temple) Lock
Spell Trading
Countermagic 1
Glamour (2)
Mobility (1)
Repair 1
5 Air, Movement Orlanth Adventurous Orate +15%
Speak Other Language
(Stormspeech) +20%
Sing +10%
Sword (any) +10%
Devotion (Orlanth)
Hate (Chaos)
Loyalty (temple)
Summon Air Elemental (small)
Bladesharp 1
Mobility (1)
Protection 1,
Strength (2)
6 Air, Death, Beast Storm Bull*** Cultural Weapon (pick type) +15%
Sense Chaos +20%
Intimidate +10%
Devotion (Storm Bull)
Hate (Chaos)
Loyalty (Storm Khan)
Berserker (2)
Face Chaos
Impede Chaos
Detect Enemies (1)
Dispel Magic 1
Protection 2
Death, Moon, Fertility Seven Mothers Speak Other Language (New Pelorian) +20%
Read/Write (New Pelorian) +15%
Sing +10%
Loyalty (temple)
Loyalty (Red Emperor)
Mindblast (2)
Befuddle (2)
Glamour (2)*****

* Female adventurers only.

** Humakt initiates must take one of Humakt’s gifts and its corresponding geas. See RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (opens new window), page 296. If you do not have the book, use the following pair:

  • Gift: +4 to effective CON against disease or poison.

  • Geas: Never lie.

*** All Storm Bull initiates can learn the Sense Chaos skill.

**** All Ernalda initates have the Ignite spell as a bonus spirit magic spell.

***** As Seven Mothers have more expensive spirit magic acquistion costs, they only start with 4 points of spirit magic.

Finally, you should Customize your Adventurer.