# Shields

A shield is used to absorb damage before it gets to the bearer of the shield. An adventurer may use their relevant Shield skill to parry or attack. A shield may not be ready for use when the adventurer is using a two-handed weapon. Two-handed weapons include all bows and crossbows. A shield may be paired with a one-handed projectile weapon such as a throwing axe, sling, javelin, etc.

An adventurer can use any other shield at half the skill rating of the best shield skill the adventurer has, or at their base chance plus any additional training and experience, whichever is better.

Example: After several adventures, Vasana now has a 72% Medium Shield skill. She can also use a large or small shield at 36%, which is better than her base skill of 30% or 20% respectively.

The Shield Statistics table describes how many points a shield can absorb before the bearer is damaged. As with a weapon, a shield-user must make a successful parry roll to interpose the shield between their body and an incoming attack.

# Shield Table

Size Type Base % STR HP Damage ENC SR
Small Hide or Wood 15% 5+ 8 1D3 1 3
Medium Hide, Wicker, or Wood 15% 9+ 12 1D4 2 3
Large Hide, Wicker, or Wood 15% 12+ 16 1D6 3 3

# Explanation of Headings

  • Size: Relative size of shield. A small shield is about 30–35 cm in diameter and held with one handgrip. A medium shield is about 60 cm in diameter and is commonly used by Gloranthan cavalry. A large shield is at least a meter or larger in diameter, and may be round or oval.

  • STR: The STR necessary for an adventurer to use the shield. If the adventurer lacks the necessary STR, the parrying chance with the shield is halved.

  • Damage: The amount of damage the shield does when used offensively. Damage modifier is added to this.

  • HP: The shield absorbs this number of damage points per attack before the wielder takes damage.

  • ENC: How encumbering the shield is, measured in “things.”

  • SR: The strike rank when attacking with the shield.

# Shield Types

# Hide Shield, Large

A large, rectangular, concave or lemniscate hide shield, 1 meter or more in diameter. Price: 25 C.

# Hide Shield, Medium

A medium shield, about 60 cm in diameter and made of hide. It may be round or rectangular in shape. Price: 14 C.

# Hide Shield, Small

A small shield, about 30–35 cm in diameter and held with one handgrip. Price: 8 C.

# Wicker Shield, Large

A large rectangular shield made of wicker, 1 meter or more in diameter. Price: 5 L. Wicker Shield, Medium: A crescent shaped wicker shield, about 60 cm in diameter. Price: 1 L.

# Wooden Shield, Large

A large, concave wooden shield, 1 meter or more in diameter. Price: 40 L.

# Wooden Shield, Medium:

A medium shield, about 60 cm in diameter and made of wood. Price: 12 L. Wooden Shield, Small: A small shield, about 30–35 cm in diameter and held with one handgrip. Price: 4 L.

# Notes on Shield Use

Any damage taken by the shield above what the shield can absorb in one blow is inflicted on the hit location originally rolled in the attack. The armor on the location, if any, absorbs the excess points, with the remainder going to the target in that hit location. The shield then loses 1 hit point. Greater successes might cause the shield to take more damage. Shields break as often as weapons, or even more often. The hit points of a shield show the number of damage points that shield can absorb before it is knocked aside or penetrated by the force of the blow, allowing the remainder of the damage to affect the intended target.

When a shield reaches 0 hit points, it is considered useless and must be repaired. If it takes double its normal hit points in damage, it is completely destroyed and cannot be salvaged.